APRIL PATCH NOTES (eh i mean its basically may but whatever)


been a while...
i added a new section of the STUFF page! (the yellow sign)
it's... VERY early,
but hopefully it'll be another place where i can just like, have fun and stuff! since that's the point of this site lol
i'll probably take it one thing at a time, so the first order of business is the DELTARUNE page. look forward to that i guess...???
ok thats all bye (explodes



hey i finished a game lmao
it's a short precision platformer!! i hope y'all like it, and i hope to do more with the character soonish,, who nose.
play it HERE!



hey everyone! (all like, 1.5 of you lmao)
minor edits to the site have been made:

  • rewrote about to be shorter/generally less annoying
  • mmmmmmost pages should be responsive Enough. not enough
    for phones but enough to look somewhat similar on
    different display sizes
  • site landing page is now a cool lookign door
  • like, two drawings added to the gallery
  • blog rss should work properly now

also, the post about the game i'm playing might happen later in the month than i like... it's a hard game, sorry :V
i might update the site again this month...? but that'll be for next month's notes
that should be all for now. unless you know where to look...?
- ana



happy new year everyone!! at least, in my timezone..
with this post marks the "soft launch" of the website, meaning i'll post about it on tumblr and like, that's it basically :P

i'm going to start using this blog as an actual Blog this month! expect a post where i talk about a game i'm currently having
fun with (no i will not tell you which yet. explode *-^)
i also plan on starting work on another game soon (of the, devilish variety...?) so also expect some devblogs maybe!

thank you for reading this short update!! :)
- ana



hey gamers it's Me.
i technically already have a blog in the form of my tumblr, but that's more of a reblog dump anyways :P

expect sporadic extended thoughts on random subjects or devblogs for my games!! basically anything longform.
i'll try to make at least One post a month, not counting, like, site updates
this isn't the Most optimized way to set up a neocities blog, and i still haven't set up an RSS feed, but i'll get around to that!
i look forward to using this properly!! :D
- ana